Friday, December 27, 2019

Macbeth and Animal Farm Analysis - 880 Words

Explore the ways ambition is presented and developed in the texts Macbeth and Animal Farm. Macbeth and Animal farm have many common elements that can be paralleled between the two texts. One of the main ideas is the way the two main characters, Macbeth and Napoleon have an intense ambition and languish to have control over others which they take by force and their desperate attempts to contain it. William Shakespeare portrays Macbeth as a cold-blooded, power-hungry and ambitious tyrant, blinded by his burning desire to be authoritative, who will go to extreme measures to achieve his goals. On the contrary, George Orwell shows Napoleon as a manipulative character who hides his true intentions (much like Macbeth) from all those around him,†¦show more content†¦In Act 1 Scene 7 Shakespeare expresses Macbeth’s feelings and emotions through the use of a soliloquy. This is a technique he uses to show the confusion that Macbeth is facing due to his ambition to rule Scotland. In the beginning of the soliloquy Macbeth is questioning whether sacrilege is the answer t o his problems and his state of mind is unstable suggesting he does not want to commit a crime. Near the end of the soliloquy he uses nature imagery to show what he is doing is unnatural and going against the ‘Divine Right of King’ by personifying nature through stating that â€Å"The tears shall drown the wind.† This could be a reference to the tears that will be shed by those in the castle upon hearing of King Duncan’s death. The last lines of the soliloquy are important as Macbeth states: â€Å"I have no spur / To prick the sides of my intent, but only / Vaulting ambition which o’erleaps itself / And falls on th’other--† suggesting that he aware that the consequences of allowing his ambition to control his actions could backfire. This implies that Macbeth’s excessive ambition is like a horse that attempts to cross a hurdle that is too high and falls.† It is extremely convenient that Lady Macbeth enters at this time as t his suggests that she is the spur that will drive him on to achieve the power and status that he believes he rightlyShow MoreRelatedEssay about Notions of Power: Animal Farm and Macbeth1257 Words   |  6 Pagesabove and Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Orwell’s Animal Farm. In your essay ensure that you specifically refer to each of texts including quotes and analysis. â€Å"Political Power grows out of the Barrel of a Gun† The idea of power and especially political power has its many definitions, and is used, explored, and even exploited, featuring in all human experiences in the struggle for authority and dominance. The theme of power is widely explored in the two texts of Macbeth by Shakespeare, the famousRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words   |  47 Pagespoetry? Good questions! This web page provides a quick overview of poetry analysis. Please note that this handout discusses the basics of poetry; there is much more to know about it than there is room to discuss here. Laurence Perrine s book LITERATURE: STRUCTURE, SOUND, AND SENSE can provide more detailed information about poetry analysis. Until you can get a copy of the book, I hope this page helps you begin your poetry analysis work. What is poetry ? Poetry goes beyond the rhyming of words. The

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Case Assignment 2 BMT855DD Essay - 660 Words

Case Analysis #2 BMT855DD By: Ben Ashkin Greg Mortenson: A Leader Under Fire 1 I would definitely describe Greg Mortenson as an â€Å"Authentic Leader†. In our text authentic leadership is described as a type of leadership that can be nurtured, and develops over a lifetime, can be triggered by major life events, and that a leader’s behavior is grounded in strong ethics. The definition continues on to say that there are four authentic leadership components: Self-awareness, Internalized moral perspective, meaning knows the right thing to do and is driven by ethics and fairness, balanced processing, meaning they are fair minded and open to others, and they possess relational transparency, meaning they are honest and†¦show more content†¦However, immediately after his medical issues were dealt with, Greg chose to speak with the media and schedule a small number of public speaking engagements regardless of the advisement of his legal professionals for him not to do so. In doing this, Greg shows his true transparency and keeps those interes ted and those who may have doubted him in the loop. He shows true authentic leadership additionally by continuing to fight for his innocence while running still being involved the CAI. 3 Greg’s response to the allegations against him was characteristic of an authentic leader because he was sure to be transparent. He was open, honest and straightforward with himself and everyone else seeking answers. Additionally he showed internalized moral perspective by disregarding the advice of his legal advisors and chose to speak publicly about the situation, based on the fact that he was driven by his ethical beliefs and fairness, and felt that this was the right thing to do. 4 This investigation will definitely affect the authenticity of his leadership. This is due to the fact that people have the right to their own opinion and can decide whether or not they want to believe Greg, or those who are accusing him of said unethical behaviour. The good thing for for Greg is that he knows who he is and what he has and has not done and he will continue to be the authentic leader he has been. Like Greg’s colleague Andrew Marcus said,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Crucible What does the play have to offer an audience in Perth, Western Australia in 1996 Essay Example For Students

The Crucible What does the play have to offer an audience in Perth, Western Australia in 1996 Essay The Crucible was written in the early 1950s as an exploration of events which took place in Massachusetts in 1692. The Crucible is a play which brings to our attention many timeless issues. The nature of good and evil, power and its corruption, honour and integrity and our tendency to create scapegoats for all manner of problems are all brought up through the course of the play – sometimes in very dramatic fashion. One of the subjects on which Miller commented was that of the notion that there is only pure, white goodness and cruel, unbending evil. In the play he shows us how people chase what they think is evil, (For example: not going to church, not knowing the Commandments, etc. ) persecuting basically good people while the truly evil escape and are even seen as the innocent victims. The people of Salem condemned many based on the few things that were considered ungodly and since they committed one sin, then it was assumed that they were committing many others. We will write a custom essay on The Crucible What does the play have to offer an audience in Perth, Western Australia in 1996 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They were condemned because they did not follow the exact rules in their society which defined who was good and who was evil. The people who followed the rules were in turn deemed good, the nature of their true character being basically irrelevant. This is relevant to our time because history has shown us that it has happened before, for example, McCarthyist America where all communists were bad, all capitalists good, or in Nazi Germany – Jews were evil and were to be persecuted while all Aryans were good. In fact, McCarthyism was an underlying factor behind Miller writing the play. In those cases, evil was not the people who committed the real atrocities, but those who did not conform to the rules of their society, as was the case in Salem. Even now, many communists are condemned straight away because of their ideologies, even though their intentions are in many ways good. The Crucible is also a study of honour and integrity. Most people have a conscience – the inner sense of morality which steers us towards what we think is right. However, in times of public strife, the conscience takes a back seat to what is expected of us. It takes a strong conscience to know when you are right and say so, even in the face of overwhelming opposition. Though this action is often honourable and noble in hindsight, during the actual event the majority usually rules and it is rarely well received. Proctor chose to uphold his morals in the end, and for that he was hung. If he had chosen to confess, in the process lying and compromising his morals, the audience would not really have blamed him. By doing that however, he realised that he would be betraying his friends and sacrificing his conscience for his life. By sacrificing his life instead, and following his conscience, he became a true martyr in the eyes of the audience. Even in our day and age, the trend is still towards following the majority. We often stifle our own conscience so that we are not ourselves condemned, and though we applaud those who uphold it, we usually do not have the strength of character to do so ourselves. Proctor s death becomes a moral exclamation point, and it would have a profound effect on modern audiences. Power plays a large part in the play. Miller serves a warning on the corrupting qualities of power, as all the major villains in the play possess it. When Abigail and the other girls find that they have a great power in their hands, they seek to take advantage of it. Danforth has the most power, and could have declared the proceedings at any time for the absurdity that they were, but even at the end when his actions were clearly and knowingly wrong he chose to continue. .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 , .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .postImageUrl , .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 , .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36:hover , .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36:visited , .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36:active { border:0!important; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36:active , .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36 .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2447c731096070eddd0ff92f5c184b36:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The play is called Othello and it is a tragedy EssayThe play show us how too much power is dangerous, for the temptation is always there to abuse it. Under the justification of a theocratic government, the people in authority in Salem abused their almost absolute power, destroying many innocent people in the process. It illustrates how the law is not always right, and if it isn t, that we should stand up to it. That was what Proctor did by challenging the court. It cost him his life, but what he did not lose were his principles. Power is not often held by the wise or the principled – but mostly in the hands of the self serving. In our mostly democratic governments today, the authorities are accountable to the society for their actions, and are thus controlled to a certain extent. We can see from the play that an entity wielding too much power with no accountability to anyone tends to be corrupted by that power. It has often been shown that most societies create some sort of scapegoat for any problems that they experience. Salem at the time was no different. At the time, the populace was getting uneasy with the extreme measures the government took to ensure that they did not deviate, and there was general unrest. The desire to stifle this unrest could have led Danforth to persecute the witches even beyond the point at which any rationally thinking mind would realise that the actions were wrong. He might have wanted to show the populace how people who revolted (Proctor. ) were dealt with and the hangings could have served as a deterrant to the social upheaval which was probably waiting to happen. Of course, the devil is always a very convenient scapegoat. This tendency to find scapegoats continues on today, and someone always has to be blamed besides ourselves. The Crucible has much to offer an audience in 1996. The issues it dealt with then are much the same as the issues we deal with now. The modern audience can still relate to the issue of corrupting power, or the struggle to uphold the conscience, the issue of society s rules and our condemnation of those whoof those who go beyond those rules, along with our inherent desire to blame someone else, because of this connection. As with many good plays, The Crucible has many timeless facets which Miller has incorporated, and these can give us valuable insight into many of our own situations.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

With Google Zebra on the Horizon, Now is the Time to Review SEO Content Strategies

by Constant Content There is another black-and-white monster on the horizon for SEO specialists to deal with, and this time Google’s algorithm update is expected to target the social media strategies employed by SEOs and marketers. For months, rumors have been swirling on the web about a new algorithm update entitled Google Zebra that will target the world of social media in an effort to wipe out shady practices and protect Google’s ranking system. Little is known about the true workings of the Zebra update, or if the Zebra update is fact or fiction to begin with. However, many SEO specialists and marketers are still trying to catch up to and abide by the algorithm changes that have taken place under the Penguin and Panda updates rolled out over the past 18 months. Given the learning curve with Penguin and Panda, it is probably a good idea for SEO specialists and other professionals to read up on the Zebra rumors and consider changes now to avoid growing pains later. What Will Zebra Target? To be clear, a lot of the chatter on the web about Google Zebra is speculation at this point. Google only confirms algorithm updates, such as those for Penguin and Panda, after they have been released and even then there are certain updates the search engine giant doesn’t confirm at all. After tackling so called â€Å"black hat† tactics (shady strategies that provide a false ranking boost) with Penguin (off-site issues) and Panda (on-site issues), the rumors are now swirling that Zebra will target social media practices. Many bloggers and SEO industry watchers have cited information from a blog post by The WebMarketing Group which included the targets of Zebra’s wrath. In that blog post, it is stated that Zebra will apparently focus on cleaning up some of the following social media activities: – Twitter: Zebra would target links that are re-tweeted too much with the same keywords attached to them. The goal here would be to target constant posting of the same link over and over. – Google+: Naturally Google doesn’t want its own pet project targeted by spammers, so Google+ is bound to get attention from Zebra. – Pinterest: Reportedly, simply owning a Pinterest page is going to at the very least garner the attention of Zebra, though deeper specifics are not available. Why the Focus on Social Media? When the Penguin and Panda updates hit the web, SEOs and marketers were sent reeling as tried and true practices for increasing page rank came under attack. While many individuals using â€Å"white hat† tactics adjusted their strategies, â€Å"black hat† strategists in particular looked to social media as a forum for getting the word out no matter the tactic. Social media has become perhaps the most important tool SEOs and marketers can access in driving rankings. Getting people talking about a business or product on social media can drive them to that business’ site, providing a boost to the rankings for that page. Once Penguin and Panda were released, social media became an increasingly popular tool for â€Å"black hat† tactics. Spammers created false profiles and accounts on sites like Facebook and Twitter and began sharing, liking, re-tweeting, and posting links like it was going out of style. The goal was to get their message out as much as possible and drive interest, regardless of the quality of the information. Coping with Zebra If, and when, Google unleashes Zebra on the web it is important for every webmaster to be prepared to cope with the aftermath of Zebra’s targeting system. Whether you employ â€Å"white hat† or â€Å"black hat† tactics, you’ll need to be prepared to adjust and weather the storm. So how can you do this? The best way to cope with the impact of Zebra is to ensure your social media strategies are genuine. Sounds simple right, well it should be. First and foremost, ensure that your business stays away from fake social media accounts on any and all social media sites. Zebra’s intended purpose will be to crack down on fake accounts, so any association with those could damage your rankings. Engage with customers via social media and encourage their participation in return. When negative reactions to your brand come up, don’t simply start bombarding the web with posts, tweets, and shares about your brand. Again, be active and engage those customers to resolve issues and protect your brand actively. Most importantly, avoid spamming your business and brand all over social media. Adopting an â€Å"automated† measure that simply posts and tweets the social media realm to death is surely going to attract the kind of attention your site doesn’t want from Google. In the End At this point there is no solid proof on the web or confirmation from Google that a Zebra update is coming. Even the idea that social media will be Zebra’s target is speculation, but it never hurts to be prepared. By all means, take this news with a grain of salt. At the same time it would be wise to start reviewing your social media policies now and altering them if necessary because we all know the shady tactics discussed earlier exist all over social media. It may only be a matter of time before Google acts to protect its rankings just as it did with Penguin and Panda.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Globalization and Social Inequality The WritePass Journal

Globalization and Social Inequality Introduction Globalization and Social Inequality IntroductionReferencesRelated Introduction Social inequality is an issue that is much debated today within the social sciences, as well as other disciplines. Although very few would deny that social inequality exists and has always existed in human societies, it is not always clear through what mechanisms it manifests itself, along what lines it progresses, and how we can make life better for those affected by global inequalities. The question remains whether or not the world that we live in today is more equal than what people have experienced in the past. Although some might argue that Western development brings with it more equal rights, it is doubtful that this is actually the case. In recent years, we have witnessed a phenomenon called globalization which is, in short, a â€Å"widening and deepening of the international flows of trade, capital, technology and information within a single integrated global market (Petras and Veltmeyer 2001, p11).† Globalization has brought with it significant changes in the way peop le and nations relate to one another. In many cases, it has created new patterns of inequality, as well as reinforced old ones. The purpose of this paper is to investigate some of the effects of globalization and critically analyse them. I will argue that currently we do not live in a more equal world and neither are we moving towards greater equality. Rather, I argue that, through globalization, inequalities are exacerbated due to capitalism and the unequal flow of markets. This paper will look at how inequalities have evolved over the last two hundred years, why they have occurred, and how the pattern of inequality looks like today. Kaplinsky (2005, p 28) and Jolly (2005) note that as early as 1776, economists such as Adam Smith became preoccupied with the issue of poverty and its consequences on inequality. During the 18th and the 19th century in England it was well-known that for every handful of rich aristocrats there were hundreds or even thousands of poor people. With the advance of industrialization, poverty only deepened (Jolly 2005). Karl Marx illustrated the problem perfectly by outlining the issue of the bourgeoisie owning the means of production, while workers sell their labour for minimal wages. Petras and Veltmeyer (2001, p 128) also stress that historically, a minority ruling class have used coercion and social institutions to control exploited people. Until the present day, this situation has not changed very much. Moreover, during the past decades, the disparities between the global North and South have become more and more evident, partly due to globalization. The movement of capital and trading agreements have mostly benefitted the developed countries, while the developing ones are forced to create economies that cater to the needs of the West. As Birdsall (2005, p 2) notes, â€Å"global markets are inherently disequalizing, making rising inequality in developing countries more rather than less likely.† This shows that we are not moving towards a more equal world. Moreover, even wealthy countries, such as the U.S. experience growing poverty rates within their own borders (Dillon 2010). Dillon (2010, p 60) stresses that â€Å"economic inequality has in fact grown since the late 1980s, as has the gap between the highest and the lowest income groups,† while Butler and Watt (2007, p 112) even call poverty rates in the U.S. â€Å"extreme.†Ã‚   It is evident from these accounts that unfortunately, unless measures will be taken, inequality will increase and dreams of an equal world are moving farther away. The reality is that we live in an unequal world. There is an abundance of social issues that are caused by widespread inequality. Discrimination today manifests itself through the lines of class, gender, race, age, nationality, and other factors. Due to length limitations, this paper mostly focuses on economic inequalities. These are especially poignant when we look at the way people live in underdeveloped countries. This is a direct consequence of colonialism and the quest of the Western world to expand and develop their economic system. However, the expansion of the markets rewards only those who have more assets, such as financial and human capital (Birdsall 2005, p 3). Also, poor nations cannot attract investment and diversification, without a stable middle class and economic institutions. Consequently, the price of their exports declines and they fail to grow (Birdsall 2005, p 3). This is just an example of how globalization reinforces inequality. If markets are let to operate f reely, as they do today, the world will become more unequal. Underdeveloped countries have not become more equal since interaction with the West has intensified. Beer and Boswell (2002, p 31) also stress that â€Å"disproportionate control over host economies by transnational corporations increases inequality by altering the development patterns of these nations.† Although some might think that international corporations can improve a developing country’s economy, this is not necessarily true. It is evident then, that the path that is nowadays advocated by many here in the Western world, does not serve the purpose of a more equal world. On the contrary, it exacerbates global inequalities. The causes of growing inequality in today’s world are diverse and often not very easy to identify. However, the main cause might be the capitalist system that has spread internationally, oftentimes to the benefit of few and the exploitation of many. Trade between rich and poor nations creates patterns of dependency and unequal exchanges, leading to high income inequalities between the two (Beer and Boswell 2002, p 33). Despite the current emphasis on trade agreements and flows of trade that increasingly deepen, time and time again it has been stressed that this process creates inequalities and is detrimental to developing countries. In addition, the markets often fail. Some notable examples are the financial crises in Mexico, Thailand, Korea, Russian, Brazil and Argentina that took place in the 1990s (Birdsall 2005). Also, when a recession hits, the lower classes are the most affected. In turn, this leads to even greater inequalities between the rich and the poor. There are many mechanisms through which capital and the markets contribute to a less equal world in our present time. Investment often causes disparities between foreign and domestic sectors. Also, international corporations usually do not reinvest profits in the local economies. Governments in developing countries adopt policies that prevent the lower classes from moving upwards, while at the same time they encourage the formation of a â€Å"managerial elite (Beer and Boswell 2002, p 33).† For those concerned about equality, it is alarming that neither foreign investors nor local governments fully understand the consequences of their actions. If this kind of policies will keep being implemented, levels of inequality will certainly increase. As Petras and Veltmeyer   (2001) note, the politics of the Western Right are also at fault for the direction towards which we are heading. They say that the Right engages in â€Å"class warfare† through privatization and the conce ntration of power in the hands of few (Petras and Veltmeyer 2001, p 148). Thus, social institutions, as well as economic policies serve the interests of wealthy corporations. The focus of present neoliberal politics is not to decrease income disparities, but to increase the wealth of the few. Staying on the same course guarantees that the world will become less and less equal. I have argued that we do not live and a more equal world. On the contrary, the globalization of markets has had a negative impact on the livelihoods of many. The effects of capitalism had started being seen a long time ago. Income disparities always existed between those who own the means of production (the bourgeoisie) and the workers that work in their factories. The income gap between the lower class and the upper class increased steadily with time. In addition, global exploration and colonization has led to even greater disparities between the West and the colonies. Under the current system, developing countries find it almost impossible to reach the same level of wealth and stability as Western countries. However, even developed countries have growing poverty rates within their own borders. These rates have been increasing over the past years, while the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. The world is becoming a less equal place. The free flow of markets and an unregu lated capitalist system are mainly to blame for income inequalities. Poor nations have become dependent on rich nations and economic crises affect lower classes the most. With both corporations and national governments driven by profit, no one looks at the long-term effects that trade has on inequality. Moreover, the rise of neoliberal politics in the West encourages the maintenance of the same pattern of increased inequality and dependency. Despite the optimism of some, the truth is that globalization, as it is occurring today, is only increasing disparities between classes, between nations, and between the global North and South.   The evidence shows that the world is at least as unequal as it was two hundred years ago. Current economic policies will only serve to make it less and less equal. If drastic measures are not taken soon, there is little hope that our world will become a more equitable place. References Butler, T. and Watt, P. 2007. Understanding Social Inequality. London: Sage. Beer, L. and Boswell, T. 2002. The resilience of dependency effects in explaining income inequality in the global economy: a cross national analysis, 1975-1995. Journal of World Systems Research, 8(1), pp.30-61. Birdsall, N. 2006. Rising inequality in the new global economy. International Journal of Development Issues, 5(1), pp.1-9. Dillon, M. 2010. Introduction to Sociological Theory: Theorists, concepts and their applicability to the twenty-first century. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. Jolly, R. 2005. Global inequality in historical perspective. WIDER (World Institute for Development Economic Research) Angle, 2. Kaplinski, R. 2005. Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Cambridge: Polity.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Witty Valentines Day Quotes and Quips

Witty Valentine's Day Quotes and Quips Set aside those mushy, sentimental words of love. Valentines Day is the perfect occasion to tease your lover with the naughty humor of these quotes. Funny words may bring a smile, but witty jabs add a spark to the relationship. This Valentines Day, roll on the floor with laughter. Helen Rowland A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve is extracted. Brendan Francis A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him. Miguel De Cervantes Absence: that common cure of love. Aerosmith Falling in love is so hard on the knees. Ogie,  Waitress If I had a penny for everything I love about you, I would have many pennies. Author Unknown If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Laurence J. Peter Its better to have loved and lost than to do forty pounds of laundry a week. Henny Youngman Ive been in love with the same woman for forty-one years. If my wife finds out, shell kill me. Jonathan Swift Lord! I wonder what fool it was that first invented kissing. Cathy Carlyle Love is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch. Jules Renord Love is like an hour glass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. W. Somerset Maugham Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species. Woody Allen Love is the answer, but while youre waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. John Barrymore Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock. Reed Bennet, Valentines Day Love is the only shocking act left on the planet. William Caxton Love lasteth as long as the money endureth. Richard Friedman Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail. Charles Dickens Never sign a Valentine with your own name. Albert Einstein No, this trick wont work. How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Henry Kissinger Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. Theres too much fraternizing with the enemy. Erich Segal True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked. Marie E. Eschenbach We dont believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack. Oscar Wilde Women are made to be loved, not understood. Henny Youngman You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Article Summary ( Financial Planning and Accounting) Essay

Article Summary ( Financial Planning and Accounting) - Essay Example The accountant is the major channel through which quantitative information flows to management† (Lynch & Williamson, 1976, 6). The essay aims to address the following questions after a review of three articles on the subject of finance, accounting or ethical standards, to wit: (1) discuss the key differences in accounting and finance; (2) discuss the types of reports accounting and finance personnel generate and the purpose of the reports; and (3) compare and contrast the types of business decisions that can be made using accounting and finance information. Key Differences in Accounting and Finance Dr. Castro of LeTourneau University briefly presented the differences in accounting and finance by examining their primary functions. Accordingly, accounting is focused on the development and generation of data that measure the accurate quantitative performance of an organization, evaluating its financial status, and to compute for the taxes the firm has to pay.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Reflective Account of Exam Preparation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

A Reflective Account of Exam Preparation - Essay Example The first step in Gibbs Reflective Cycle is the evaluation of what happened in a situation. Due to a variety of reasons, I usually find that I am doing most of my reading at the time of exam preparation- that is the latter stages of the semester. Compared to the amount of course work, the amount of time I dedicate to the studies is to a large extent not enough. This results in a situation in which I am forced to cram in the last minute rush to cover the entire scope of the course work. Consequently, my exam preparation is riddled with pressure and anxiety and thus reduction in the effectiveness of studying. To remember what one reads, they should go through a process of association, visualization and concentration, which have to be repeated severally in order to get a perfect understanding and recall capacity. Association generally involves linking the items that need to be remembered together in particular fashions or relating them to some of the things you are comfortable with in terms of memory. Visualization complements association through creating images of the items you need to remember basing on things that are familiar to you. Optimal levels of concentration are required for effectiveness to be achieved in terms of recall capacity after studying. Finally, one is required to perform repetition of the association and visualization during study in order to internalize the concepts and ensure they will be able to remember them. Dedicating the least time for my reading is clearly not enough to allow myself to undertake all these steps in their entirety and as a result I am forced to adopt cramming as a last resort method of studying. This has the effect of lowering confidence and causing anxiety, which as shall be seen later does not augur well with the exam preparation. The environment in which I study also forms the context of the event. There is usually music in the background since I prefer studying in my room, besides a host of interferences that make it difficult to concentrate. Montrose (2009) reckons that one’s study space is critical to their ability to study effectively. It should first fit your preference, be without interruptions and be comfortable enough for study. I realize that my best study mode is in a quiet place and without interruptions, two things that my room does not offer. I usually have friends coming over and causing

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Customer Satisfaction of Standard Hotels in Tagaytay City Essay Example for Free

Customer Satisfaction of Standard Hotels in Tagaytay City Essay Introduction The hotel industry grew with travel, as people needed places for shelter and food along the routes they travelled, whether by land, water or air. The hotel industry is, therefore, one of the oldest endeavors in the world. (Andrews, 2009) Owners of the hotel realized that a customer has their own demand in services and facilities, that is why they developed what the hotels are offering before through what are the customer’s needs. The Hotel Proprietors Act 1956 provides a clear definition of a hotel: An establishment held out by the proprietor as offering food, drink and, if so, required, sleeping accommodation, without special contract, to any traveler presenting himself who appears able and willing to pay a reasonable sum for the services and facilities provided and who is in a fit state to be received. Hotels can be classified into different types according to their target market, size, location, facilities or ownership. (Baker.,Huyton., Bradley., 2000) Recently, the hotel industry trends towards separating the services sector between hotels. Many hotels nowadays offer recreation for a particular group of tourists. Popular family hotels, hotels for the newlyweds and hotels for people with disabilities, each of them has its unique set of services. Among the services that are indirectly related to the customers, that means that they are not involved in direct care of guests, are marketing service and bookkeeping of the hotel. Reservation, once considered one of the main hotel services, today has become an anachronism. Nowadays, in order to book a hotel clients use the services of the major tour operators. Online booking through the numerous tourist online services is getting increasingly popular. says it offers 202,842 hotels globally. STR Global estimates that there are 187,000 hotels, offering 17.5 million guest rooms, around the globe. The Priceline Group’s supply included 200,900 hotels through March 19, Susquehanna estimates, and during the first quarter it was adding about 1,541 properties (hotels, apartment hotels, motels, hotels, residence hotels, BB’s and guest houses) per week. (, 2012) In the Philippines, hotels can be classified into four categories: De Luxe class, First class, Standard class, and Economy class. The higher the star rating of the hotel is, the higher its luxury level. De Luxe has 30, First class has 16, Standard has 83 and Economy has 43 as of September 2011. (, 2011) One of the famous tourist destinations is Tagaytay City. In order for the place to accommodate guests; they have nine hotels that were accredited by the Department of Tourism. Standard Hotels offer an affordable stay and provide all basic amenities to the tourists. These hotels are considered as the best option for all those people who look out for affordable accommodations and dont find it sensible wasting money over unnecessary facilities. ( Republic Act No. 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991Section 5. Requirements for a standard class hotel: Location, Bedroom facilities and furnishings, Front office/reception, Housekeeping, Food and Beverage, Engeering and Maintenance, General Facilities, Service and Staff, Special Facilities. ( Background of the Study Tagaytay has a lots of business establishments that can affect ones operations. There are a lot of hotels and establishments in Tagaytay that offer different accommodations, amenities and services such as Bed and Breakfast, Inns, Apartment Hotels, Apartel and other establishments located in Tagaytay City. Hotel Dominique welcomes the guests into a charming European – style chalet in the cool countryside of Tagaytay. The guests can hole up in a Balinese suite or cabana with direct access to the pool. But they’re more than just one place to stay. Hotel Dominique imparts the feeling of â€Å"home† when they greet guests with the warmest of smiles and attend you your needs promptly. And whether the guests spend their days sampling their signature dishes or getting a massage, guests can always come back to a room that looks like the very first day they saw it. (,2011) Hotel Kimberly nestled close to Tagaytay City’s cafà © district. It offers elegant accommodation, modern facilities, and genuine hospitality of its friendly and efficient staff. All these set against the floral landscapes, breathtaking scenery, year-round cool climate, and wonderfully idyllic atmosphere of Tagaytay City. (, 2012) The Lake Hotel Tagaytay offers charming, unbelievably serene spaces. With each reasonably priced accommodation you’re sure to finally be in a place where everything becomes unforgettable. (,2010) Discovery Country Suites in Tagaytay focuses only on giving you these special moments that you simply will never simply forget. Whether being awed by breathtaking views of Taal Volcano and Lake or lounging away at our distinctively themed rooms, every second spent here should be savored. For some, these uninhibited pleasures may seem trivial and even insignificant. But it is these little moments that inspire us the most. (,2012) One Tagaytay Place Hotel suites offers a refreshing vibe of Tagaytay, let our hotel’s cozy rooms and amenities tickle your senses. Stay in bed a little longer and enjoy the sumptuous comforts of a richly furnished guestroom. Indulge in local and international cuisine, Tagaytay delicacies, spa treatments, and other pleasurable choices. Go celebrate life’s most important events with friends and family at the Aurora Grand Ballroom. Live that perfect day at One Tagaytay Place Hotel Suites. (,2012) Days Hotel Tagaytay is an affordable luxury. An ambiance of carefully cultured elegance.Architecture, appointments and amenities of distinction.Outstanding customer service.Awesome cuisines from all over the world.Addictive flavors and captivating tastes.Creature comforts without compromise.Dedication to enhancing everyday expectations.Pleasant surprises that ensure every guest leaves happy. It all comes together in the Best Value under the Sun. (, 2012) Statement of the Problem This study will determine the level of guests satisfaction experienced by the customers through the services they offer and help to improve their services on guests. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: a) Age b) Gender c) Educational Attainment d) Monthly Income e) Place of Origin 2. What are the levels of guest satisfaction of Standard Hotels in Tagaytay in terms of: a) Accommodation b) Front Office Service c) Facilities and amenities d) Food and Beverage Service 3. Is there a significant difference between the ratings of the respondents based on the criteria set by the Department of Tourism on the different services provided to guests by standard hotels in Tagaytay City? 4. Is there significant relationship between the profile variable of the respondents to the ratings on there level og satisfaction? 5. What action plan can be proposed? Significance of the Study This study will be beneficial to the following: Province of Cavite. This study will benefit by knowing the strategies on how to encourage tourists to visit Cavite by means of this, Cavite may attract more tourists because of the quality of the rendered services and accommodation by the hotels. Tagaytay City. This study will benefit by improving or increasing the tourists arrival in Tagaytay City. Hotel Industry. This study will benefit by helping the hotel industry to improve their service and products to the better service and strategies of their competitive life. As well as the management and staff of the hotel, and also the customers. Students. This study will benefit by helping the students to have an idea concerning the service of an establishment, which can make their study easier and realistic. Future Researchers. This study will benefitby using our study asreference or source of other studies to be conducted. Scope and limitation The researchers cover the guest and employees of standard hotels in Tagaytay city. The study is limited to six (6) standard hotels accredited by Department of Tourism in Tagaytay city. They are the respondents of the study. They will evaluate and analyze the whole production of standard hotel in Tagaytay city.The researchers will conduct a survey to 120 respondents, 20 respondents per standard hotel. Definition of Terms Accommodation- is anything done to adjust with the expectations of others. It is equated so as to address needs and wishes or to reconcile contradictory interpretations of things. Accreditation is a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. Amenities- Something that contributes to physical or material comfort. things that make you comfortable and at ease. Anachronism – an error in which a person, object, event, etc., is assigned a date or period other than the correct one. Department of Tourism – is the executive department of the Philippine governmentresponsible for the regulation of the Philippine tourism industry and the promotion of the Philippines as a tourist destination. Facilities – something designed, built, installed, etc,. to serve a specific function affording a convenience or service. Food and Beverage – which is the sector/industry that specializes in the conceptualization, the making of, and delivery of foods. The largest are in restaurants and bars, including hotels, resorts, and casinos. Front Office – welcomes guests to the accommodation section: meeting and greeting them, taking and organizing reservations, allocating check in and out of rooms, organizing porter service, issuing keys and other security arrangements, passing on messages to customers and settling the accounts. Guest – a person who receives the hospitality of a hotel, a city. A person who patronizes a hotel, restaurant, etc. for the lodging, food, or entertainment it provide. Guest Satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Satisfaction an act of satisfying; fulfillment; gratification. The state of being satisfied or contentment. . The researchers cover the guest and employees of standard hotels in Tagaytay City. The study is limited to six (6) standard hotels accredited by Department of Tourism in Tagaytay City. They are the respondents of the study. They will evaluate and analyze the whole production of standard hotel in Tagaytay city. The researchers will conduct a survey to 120 respondents, 20 respondents per standard hotel. Definition of Terms Accreditation – is a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. Anachronism – an error in which a person, object, event, etc., is assigned a date or period other than the correct one. Department of Tourism – is the executive department of the government responsible for the regulation of the Philippine tourism industry and the promotion of the Philippines as a tourist destination. Guest – a person who receives the hospitality of a hotel, a city. A person who patronizes a hotel, restaurant, etc. for the lodging, food, or entertainment it provides. Guest Satisfaction – is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Satisfaction – an act of satisfying; fulfillment; gratification. The state of being satisfied or contentment.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Oku no Hosomichi and Tosa nikki Essay -- Comparative, Travel Diaries

Comparing Oku no hosomichi and Tosa nikki reveals similarities that make one think if they are the same story, and many differences that make it seem they’re just in different formats. They both have similarities in that they both are travel diaries and they both tell of farewells before their journey. Along with the similarities came many differences. The styles of writing of both diaries were different. Also Oku no hosomichi had two characteristics in writing that Tosa nikki did not, and was a philosophy when Tosa nikki was not. When comparing Oku no hosomichi and Tosa nikki there were some similarities. Both Oku no hosomichi and Tosa nikki shared the characteristic of being a traveling diary of events that took place. Another similarity that the two also shared were the farewells described at the beginning of the diary. Both either had friends say goodbye or a celebration. Oku no hosomichi and Tosa nikki both were travel diaries that were just written in different format. Oku no hosomichi was not written without dates while Tosa nikki was. Both the diaries told of events that happened during the journey. Oku no hosomichi describes the journey of BashÃ…  traveling from Edo to the northerly interior region known as Oku and Tosa nikki described the voyage taken to return to Kyoto through the sea. Both Oku no hosomichi and Tosa nikki have a farewell gathering before the long journey. For instance, BashÃ…  describes the farewell gathering between himself and his close friends. â€Å"The faint shadow of Mount Fuji and the cherry blossoms of Ueno and Yanaka were bidding me a last farewell. My friends had got together the night before, and they all came with me on the boat to keep me company for the first few miles. When we got off the b... ...exts was Oku no hosomichi was, in a way, a philosophy and Tosa nikki was not. BashÃ… , throughout the journey was trying to find out his own identity through Dao. Dao is â€Å"the way†, and is experienced. Dao is, in some way, a purpose and that was something BashÃ…  was trying to find. Tosa nikki on the other hand, was simply the first diary that achieved literature value and did not have a philosophical meaning. From comparing the two works of art, I have revealed the similarities and differences within them. Oku no hosomichi and Tosa nikki both share some characteristics like both being travel diaries, but also have differences between them like that of Oku no hosomichi being a type of philosophy and Tosa nikki just being the first official travel diary. In the end these two works may seem like the same diary but they are not when you look deep inside their meanings.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ernst and Young Presentation

Accounting 302 9/18/12 Ernst & Young Guest Speaker Response After looking through the Ernst & Young PowerPoint presentation, there were certain points covered that were similar to our Sky Air activity from class. One of the key points covered was the idea of purchasing a company, and how much one would pay for it. It was brought to our attention from both the PowerPoint and class lecture that buyers and sellers may have different perceptions of value. This occurs because buyers do not want to â€Å"pay up front† for uncertain earnings.From what we learned in the Sky Air activity, Thyestean, the principal, is similarly concerned about whether or not Kaplan, the agent, will be loyal enough to provide accurate data and analysis of his own company. Both the PowerPoint and Sky Air focus on information asymmetry, and how it can be reduced. We learned that having an independent Board of Directors and external auditor would improve the accuracy in the information provided to the princ ipal, which will therefore reduce information asymmetry.Another concept we went over in the Sky Air activity that was mentioned in the PowerPoint was the idea that there may be risky acquisitions. We learned from the slides that in order to reduce the risk, the principal must include a request or incentive. The example described from the slides included a Technology company was being sold for $100m. The buyer agreed to purchase it, under the circumstance that it shall have to meet certain projections. This shows that even though the shareholder is affected in the long run, he/she will not be affected (negatively) drastically since there are certain mandatory projections to uphold.Similarly, in the Sky Air case, we came to the conclusion that if the buyer purchases the company, he/she should request that Kaplan’s compensation be linked to his profits, so that there is less risk (manager cares more about short-term, shareholder cares more about long-term, this way manager will care more too). Although the PowerPoint presentation was based more on the financial aspect of the company’s acquisition, it still provided relevant information that we learned in class, and too coincided with the Sky Air activity.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Children & Television

Anita Westerly Television (TV) can have its own educational and social benefits for many children; it can also be very entertaining and educational in many ways. When children watch positive role models perform respectful acts to others that alone can inspire children to make encouraging and helpful decisions when encountering others. TV awards children the chance to explore the globe through many diverse shows that expand on different countries and places such as Space and the Deep Ocean.Children can earn about different animals, cultures, and gain exposure to different ideas that may not be available in their own town. However, the reverse also can be true; children may see or hear things on TV that parent's may not want them to learn. TV can also affect a child's health, behavior, and family in negative ways through different kinds of behavioral issues. How children learn and retain information, along with the type of programming they watch, can inspire children and adults alike t o become more involved with educational shows using flashcards and instructive guides.There are many types of learning styles among children, and to fully understand each type can be very useful for parent's who want the best for their child's education. There are three main styles that can describe how most children learn. They include the visual, auditory, and kinesthesia learners. Many children do not learn by using Just one of these categories; they can use all three if this is how they retain information the best. The way a child learns is not decided by children themselves, children will tend to use the style that most naturally comes to them.Many visual learners use pictures, diagrams, and tables to help them fully retain information (Feller & Solomon, 2000). Visual learners tend to have very vivid imaginations and learn by seeing pictures or tables; they may also think of things that they encounter or learn each day in an imagery format (Vincent & Ross, 2001). An auditory le arner may enjoy listening, talking, and carrying on conversations with others on what they are trying to learn or Just remember.With many children, by listening to their Abs's through a song, they can retain how the alphabet goes much easier. In school, auditory learners can benefit most by listening to their teachers first then repeating pictures in their mind, as do the visual learners, but rather filter incoming information through their listening and repeating skills. An auditory learner is usually very talkative and has difficulty with writing (Vincent ; Ross, 2001). Kinesthesia children choose to engage in hands-on activities that use the sense of touch to learn.For kinesthesia learners to fully understand and retain information presented to them, they must touch, feel or be able to apply the information in some ensue Tao physical activity or object. They tend to take many notes and use pictures to help remember what they learned. Kinesthesia learners also have a very difficul t time paying attention and can seem to become uninterested if there is not physical involvement of any kind (Vincent ; Ross, 2001). For example, children tend to learn their shapes faster by physically picking up an object of a certain shape and placing it through the corresponding shapes hole inside a toy box.Visual and kinesthesia learners are similar in that they both use a hands-on approach toward learning by applying what they have learned to an event in their lives or an object that they physically can see or touch. Physical hands-on learning can have its advantages, but it can provide only so much information for children. Reading and being able to fully comprehend what is being read is also a very helpful skill in retaining information. TV shows today offer plenty of educational value with different toys, games, and reading guides for the children to fully comprehend what they are watching.When children spend less time playing outside with their friends and more time in iro n of the TV, it can lead to very unhealthy eating habits. â€Å"Eighty-three percent of children from age six months to less than six years view TV or videos about one- hour and 57 minutes a day. TV viewing is a contributing factor in childhood obesity because it may take away from the time children spend doing physical activities; lead to increased energy intake through snacking and eating meals in front of the TV, and, influence children to make unhealthy food choices through exposure to food advertisements† (Obesity and Overweight for Professionals, n. . ). Children can come very impressed by the plethora of colors that a TV displays, while sitting in front of one, a child can become almost too mesmerism's. Watching two or more hours of television for children younger than two years can have detrimental effects on a child's attention span, impulsiveness, and restlessness (Alias, 2004). When toddlers are beginning their adventure into this amazing world, their brains are de veloping much more rapidly than when they will become adults. This stage is critical to children learning how to walk, associate names with faces, learning words, ND creating social bonds with others.If a child is in front of the Top often these critical developmental skills get overshadowed by TV shows and its effect on a child's attention abilities. TV by itself, without guides or books, can have very positive effects on a child's ability to explore many places, animals, or things that cannot be seen otherwise. TV can inspire children to try new activities that could lead to playing a certain sport, instrument, or trying something that they would not try without seeing someone else perform it first. The Olympic Games would be an excellent example of how TV can inspire children to try new activities they would never try before.The Olympics do not happen very often and most often it is not feasible to attend the Games themselves. Another benefit of current TV shows today can motivat e the children to read the book first or even inspire adults to challenge their child to read the book before they can attend the theater to see the movie. Whether children watch current media at home or at a relatives/friend's house, it can benefit children to have parental involvement so that they understand much more efficiently what they are watching.A channel assigned precisely for young children from infancy to preschool can assist educationally with a double influence: censorial perceptual development and an audio visual enrichment of the cultural environment (Finalized, 2012). This can, in many ways, add to the performance of a children's future education by obtaining higher test scores, making better decisions, and bringing forth greater opportunities in future educational goals such as college. When children regularly watch the same type of educational programming, they can grow a special interest for shows of educational nature further in life, expanding their knowledge b ase.Channels such as Nick Jar. Have special programming all day long for children of a younger age group, whereas, Nickelodeon offers programming tailored toward an older age group. This can make it much easier for children to find the shows that interest them. When children become interested in what they watch, the information obtained will be much easier to retain for future use. There are three different types of parental mediation that aren't can use while their children are watching TV.Restrictive Mediation, Shared Viewing, and Instructive Mediation are excellent methods for parent's to be actively involved with their children's viewing experience. Restrictive mediation is a method that some parent's use to restrict the amount of time, type of programming, and forbidden content from their children's viewing. This method is also helpful for parent's who like to use TV as a reward/punishment system. Shared viewing is purely just a parent-child viewing experience; whereas, Instruc tive Mediation refers to a aren't-child discussion of content (Warren, Egger, & Kelly, 2002).With the different types of learning styles identified in most children today, it can become quite difficult for parent's to be resourcefully involved with their children's viewing experience. When parent's fully understand each type of learning style and how their children use those different styles to efficiently and appropriately learn, they can successfully make the viewing experience for their children much more pleasurable and educational for all. Following children's TV habits is an important detail to keep n mind.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ramses the 2nd essays

Ramses the 2nd essays Ramses the 2nd ruled for about 70 years. He was the third Pharaoh of the 19th dynasty. Ramses the 2nd always fought for more terrority in Africa, Asia, Asia Minor and Arab Countries. Ramses had declared a war on the Hitties, of the Asia Minor and Northern Asia. Hitties were strong warriors and very technologically advanced. The longest war was fought in 1274 @ Kadesh. ( Pharaoh 2 (Ramses) ). Ramses the 2nd ruled during the new kingdom, which reigned from 1550-1070 B.C.E. Living in the new kingdom he dispersed his power very far, making his nation the strongest of the ancient world. He was wed to over 100 wives and fathered over 90 children. Archeologists who searched his tomb found him to be very colorful. (Page 68 of the history text - book). Ramses was very cocky in a sense he wanted to prove to the people that he was very heroic and very valiant. He did this I believe to make the crowd love him. Crowds love victories, and if you were victorious then you would be loved. Scholars s ought to call him Ramses the Great because he was so into himself. ( page 68 ). Ramses was one of the most successful Pharaohs in the sense that he would build such massive temples for not many reasons but just to honor the gods and to have him seen as such a glorious ruler. Ramses 2nd has a very big nose, which comes from the rameside kings. Ramses, the warrior he was even gave diplomacy a chance making the first NAP or Non Aggression Act. Which means that they signed a treaty saying, simply they will show no aggression towards each other and to give support if being attacked by enemies. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free Essays on Peter Abelards “Medeival Ethics“

In Peter Abilard's "Ethical Writings", he entertains the idea that the soul may be injured. He believes the only way to injure the soul is to offend god. He calls this sin. There are different ways of sinning, among them ways where the act isn’t then considered sin at all. The two things that compose a sin are the will, and consent. When they agree, in most cases, a sin is born. For example, if a person thinks about having sex with someone else’s spouse, even if they don’t actually do it, they have committed a sin. Respectively, if that same person has sex with someone else’s spouse mistaking them for their own, there is no sin. The will must be present first in order for anything to occur. The will is the impetus for the idea (sin). Without the will (which acts on the rational part of the soul and dominates the conscious mind), there can be no consent. The non-rational part of the soul which dominates the subconscious mind then considers the idea. The subconscious either accepts or rejects what the outcome of the idea is. If the outcome is accepted, this is what we call consent. If it is rejected, there can be no sin committed because the outcome is not accepted and thus it is no longer a willful process. When this outcome is consented to, this means that a sin has been committed. To explain by using the examples above; in the first example, the will has presented the idea of having sex with another person’s spouse. The subconscious looks at the result of the action, and obviously is not opposed, so consent is granted to think about the act. In the other example, when this happens the will has not presented the idea of a sin, because the conscious mind believes this other person is someone else. The subconscious does not object to the outcome because of the false will, so consent is granted for the act, but it is not a sin because the consent was not given for the act. Through these exampl... Free Essays on Peter Abelard's â€Å"Medeival Ethicsâ€Å" Free Essays on Peter Abelard's â€Å"Medeival Ethicsâ€Å" In Peter Abilard's "Ethical Writings", he entertains the idea that the soul may be injured. He believes the only way to injure the soul is to offend god. He calls this sin. There are different ways of sinning, among them ways where the act isn’t then considered sin at all. The two things that compose a sin are the will, and consent. When they agree, in most cases, a sin is born. For example, if a person thinks about having sex with someone else’s spouse, even if they don’t actually do it, they have committed a sin. Respectively, if that same person has sex with someone else’s spouse mistaking them for their own, there is no sin. The will must be present first in order for anything to occur. The will is the impetus for the idea (sin). Without the will (which acts on the rational part of the soul and dominates the conscious mind), there can be no consent. The non-rational part of the soul which dominates the subconscious mind then considers the idea. The subconscious either accepts or rejects what the outcome of the idea is. If the outcome is accepted, this is what we call consent. If it is rejected, there can be no sin committed because the outcome is not accepted and thus it is no longer a willful process. When this outcome is consented to, this means that a sin has been committed. To explain by using the examples above; in the first example, the will has presented the idea of having sex with another person’s spouse. The subconscious looks at the result of the action, and obviously is not opposed, so consent is granted to think about the act. In the other example, when this happens the will has not presented the idea of a sin, because the conscious mind believes this other person is someone else. The subconscious does not object to the outcome because of the false will, so consent is granted for the act, but it is not a sin because the consent was not given for the act. Through these exampl...

Sunday, November 3, 2019


BUSINESS MODELS, CUSTOMER & CROSS-CULTURAL EXPERIENCES - Assignment Example The yearly quantities can be approximated. For example, 8.5million cosmetic surgical actions were undertaken in 2001. In addition, doctors undertook 127,000 laser skin procedures of non-ablative nature. The marketing strategy in this instance evaluates technological and design issues in cosmetic surgery. Besides, the company establishes the capability of the present market share, market size, and position of competitors. Also, the effects of substitute products are evaluated e.g. LED devices and takes into account the negotiating power of current and prospective clients. The company ought to proceed to outsource the design and development of laser technology for Gentle Waves from the Virginia Beach, Light Sciences Company. They will merit from economies of scale and better bargain than engendering one. As a CEO of the company, I would invest heavily in skin treatment, excellent client service and search for enhanced negotiations with Gentle Waves suppliers. In addition, I employ more skilled personnel to handle with swelling clients numbers. Part A: The film shows the combination of diverse talents to pave the way for computer technology. The individuals have extraordinary brilliance in computer hardware, programming, and security. The strategy used in this case is technological and industry explicit (Porter, 1998). Exceptional expertise is needed to generate a contemporary computer prototype. According to the pioneer student development of computer security, software and hardware will meet user prospects. Consequently, entrepreneurship originates from invention, execution and design control thus enabling a constant stream of future income. Patents and copyrights particularly safeguard and maintain the achievements in design, technology and innovation thus prompting few competitors. There are substitute products, but not a serious threat since the invention is unique. Cosmetic surgery is on high

Friday, November 1, 2019

Risk Measurement Technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk Measurement Technique - Essay Example Risk Management is a separate discipline that looks into all the possible aspects and reasons which could count as a risk in a particular background. The aim of risk management is to preempt any incident that might take place, and it focuses on the principle of prevention rather than correction. Risks are of different types, there could be risks towards the financial side of an organization, or the data contained by the department, or the risk of loss of experts and personnel due to various reasons (Hopkin,2012). Risk management techniques focus on a couple of simple and basic questions which pertain to the identification of source of risk. Once the source is determined, their impacts are evaluated, in case of extremely busy lines as is the case in few industries, prioritization is performed, and after that the probable solutions are devised. Various techniques are being used in the field of risk management, however the first and foremost step towards risks mitigation is its identification; it is a normally being said that solution to the problem lies in identifying the problem first.( Ziegler, pg 255, 2005) The same mechanism follows in the case of risk. A proper risk management approach should be adopted. Internationally and professionally there are a large number of measurement techniques for risk. After the step of identification, analysis is conducted which mainly includes understanding the nature and level of severity of a particular risk. All possible impacts and dimensions of the risk are studied and their possible impacts are studied as well. It is a bottom up approach that performs the evaluation keeping in mind all the possible factors that could create any risk. It looks into the processes, products and individuals which could generate any risk. Its strength is the identification of the areas which could be prone to failure and risk, and based on the knowledge, it enables taking

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Interpreting Chinses and English Language Essay

Interpreting Chinses and English Language - Essay Example People living in their homeland are very well aware of their native language but when they travel or migrate to other countries; it gets difficult for them to communicate to people of different countries in their own language. But there is a language which is known as a universal language and that language is normally used and known by all. The language which is referred as a universal language or more appropriately known as an international passport is the English language (Translation, Interpretation and Language Links). English language is one such language which is normally known and used in most of the nations of the world. English is known as an international passport for the reason that if anybody is not aware of the language of any country, English is one such language which can help in at least communicating for a while. Let us understand this notion through an example. If a person is travelling to China for a meeting and the delegates there are not aware of the language, he will take a translator along so that he can translate the Chinese language into a common language which is normally English so that he helps that person in understanding the language through his known language. Nevertheless, translator may be of help at that point and time but a ... It happens many times that there are certain words with dual meaning but the usage of the words is done according to the context and given situation. For translating, it is important to apply rules for combining components, such as words with the background so that one may interpret it as it is said. It is also observed that traditional communications link between cultures is formed by non-native speakers, that is, individuals who are completely fluent in one (the native) language and proficient in another (the non-native language) which is normally a role of translator. Beyond translation, these individuals are also asked to provide analysis and interpretation so that the actual meaning and the context can be understood. However, it is very important to counter difficulties at the time of translation so that interpretation can be accurately done which will eliminate the factor of miscommunication or misunderstanding (Corpus-based approaches to semantic interpretation in natural language processing_(Natural Language Processing) - AI Magazine Encyclopedia_com). Thus, there are many problems in interpreting languages and when we talk about interpreting Chinese and English languages simultaneously; there are some major issues which may occur. Problems encountered while simultaneous interpretation There are times when people having command over languages may face problems due to not being aware of the actual scenario in which certain things are said. While interpreting the facts, one may encounter the following problems: Lack of relevant prior knowledge: The most common problem which is faced by the translators while translating and then interpreting Chinese to English of English to Chinese is due to the fact of not having prior knowledge.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Struktura Inc Essay Example for Free

Struktura Inc Essay * Struktura, Inc. (SI) is a corporation owned by ALCO Group of Companies. * SI is practically a machine shop that manufactures car air-conditioners for Karkon others, steel frames for PGSEP and die casting needs of electronic companies. * 1987 Sales amounted P1. 32M of which roughly 72% are derived from other companies of ALCO. * PGSEP is also testing the solar home system (SHS), a stand-alone photovoltaic energy generation unit suited for a single household. SHS unit come in two variants: the 28 watt-peak (wp) and the other is 50wp. The components of SHS, except for the solar panels, were locally available. * PGSEP will be terminated by the year-end and is worried that their efforts in propagating the technology would be useless unless it identified a group to commercialize the project. * PGSEP invited Antionio Co, SI owner to inspect SHS and examine the possibility of commercializing SHS. PGSEP’s contract with the Philippine government disallowed PGSEP from commercializing the venture. * PGSEP Director offered Mr. Co the services of PGSEP staff if the latter will agree to making Burias community as the pilot phase. In 1987 there were 3. 3 million un-electrified households of which around 387,000 â€Å"un-electrified† households were living in Region V. * Mr. Co told his consultant that SHS is categorized as SI project and requested him to come up with recommendation Statement of the problem The company is considering whether or not to diversify its operations by venturing to assemble and market SHS units to un-electrified households of the country starting in Burias, Masbate wherein 120 customers are already on the waiting list. Objective * SI should analyze well the viability of the SHS project to Burias community and its potential acceptance to other un-electrified rural areas in the country considering that SHS is an emerging product. SI should come up with a thorough and objective project feasibility study.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Ending of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis :: Metamorphosis essays

The Ending of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis At first glance, the final four pages of Franz Kafka's novel The Metamorphosis seem to be meaningless. This assumption, however, is anything but the truth. The final four pages, although seeming to be of no importance, serve to show the reader how the Samsa family changes as a result of the main character's, Gregor Samsa's, death. The family's changes are best exemplified in two different scenes: the scene at the kitchen table, and the scene on the trolley. During the scene at the kitchen table, there is a common change among the family members: their new willingness to do things independently. Their bold act of writing "letters of excuse" is a clear example of their new independence. Prior to Gregor's death, the family relied completely on Gregor's financial support and had little in terms of responsibilities. Kafka explains this lack of work when he writes, "they [Gregor's parents] had formed the conviction that Gregor was set for life in his firm . . . they were so preoccupied with their immediate troubles that they had lost all consideration for the future,"(17). By taking the initiative and writing to their employers, Gregor's family proves that they no longer depend on Gregor. The scene at the kitchen table proves revealing once again when Mr. Samsa announces that he will fire the cleaning lady (17). By doing so, Mr. Samsa demonstrates that he has changed and can take responsibility. Grete (Gregor's sister) and Mrs. Samsa also show that they have changed by not contesting Mr. Samsa's decision to fire the cleaning lady. In retrospect, firing the cleaning lady is an additional step towards change from the past. The second revealing scene is the scene on the trolley. In this scene, Kafka reveals the family's plans for the future, as well as the significant changes in Grete. He also emphasizes that leaving the apartment together is "something they [the family] had not done in months"(58). Demonstrating again their change to independence. Similarly, the family's plan to buy a "smaller and cheaper apartment" (58) further proves that they have become independent. Kafka's remarks pertaining to Grete reveal a different kind of change. During all of the turmoil involving Gregor, Grete matured both physically and mentally.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Descriptive Essay Beach

Miranda Poole 2/3/13 English 101 Descriptive Essay The Beach: A Relaxing Wonderland It is spring break, in the middle of March, my junior year. As I cross the state line into Florida, I picture the ocean as being a place of peace and serenity. It’s my first time visiting the ocean, and all I can think about is hoping it is as beautiful as the pictures I have seen of it. As I arrive to the beach with all my friends, the eagerness of seeing this peaceful place is rising. I can’t wait to smell the fresh salty air, feel the soft sand between my toes, walk along the breezy shoreline.As we approach the beach, the first thing I notice is the sky. As I look into the cloudless, cerulean blue sky and see the flawlessness of life; in the distance, rolling clear-blue waves crash into each other with such force as that of football players. The sky is breathtaking along with the sounds of the waves and the tide washing onto the shore. The water reminds me of crystals shimmering in th e water with the sun reflecting off of it. As the sun sets, the sky turns into a pink hue with a bright orange sun going down into the horizon.We stroll on the beach, and my feet sink into the soft sand. I stroll along, and the grainy, slick, brown sugar sand pulls my bare feet under and leaves a perfect imprint. I pick up a handful and sift it from my palm slowly, feeling the grittiness of sand with each finger. The view down the beach of the white, but slightly brown sand was enough to make my knees go weak. The sand is such a sensational feeling between my toes and a beautiful view against the crystal blue water. The beach is a beautiful scene of peace and tranquility. Every moment is a different scene.As I sit in my chair I can see all the sights of summer; children building sand castles along the ocean's edge, to my right I observe an elderly couple enjoying a good book. The waves crash into one another, the breeze blowing from the tide, the smell of salty ocean, and the sticky air clinging onto my skin. Charging into the ocean with vigorous splendor and utter excitement, I insert my bare feet into the sea and am taken aback by the shocking coolness of the water. Bringing myself to a halt at mid-calf, I then trudge through the soft currents that splash upon my legs. An abundance of symbiotic, vibrantly olored, and variously sized fish swarm around my feet. Their bodies brush my leg with negligence as they strive to get from one place to another. I wish to stay here forever and realize, at this point, this is where I need to come for serenity and harmony, where all things seem perfect and care free. There is nowhere in the world quite like this, so peaceful and calm. The beach is a wonderland for all ages. Whether you want to have fun in the sun, or relax while reading a good book, the beach is the place to go. The beach is an unforgettable experience that one must witness in their lifetime.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

America’s Greatest Fear Essay

The Ebola virus was discovered in the late 1970s by the international community as the causative agent of major outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in Africa’s Sudan and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Sudan (Vasilyevich IV, et al. 2005). Immediately, the International scientific teams moved in to deal with these highly virulent epidemics where their findings revealed that the transmission had exponentially ceased; however, the team could not reconstruct a considerable data from the survivors of the epidemic. The high death rate of medical staff resulted to the closure of many medical facilities, thus doing away with major centers for dissemination of infection through the use of untreated needles, syringes and the lack of barrier-nursing techniques. The deadly Ebola virus is killing thousands of innocent people worldwide, but there are steps being taken to prevent the virus from spreading. In 1989, Ebola virus was reported in the United States of America when it appeare d in monkeys who were imported into a Reston, Virginia, primate facility outside of Washington, DC. Epidemics in monkeys which occurred in this facility and others lasted through 1992 (Georges, 1997) and recurred in 1996. Later, epidemiologic studies were conducted in connection with both epidemics and they successfully traced the virus introductions to one Philippine exporter. However, the studies failed to detect the actual cause and source of the virus. Due to political instability, scientists’ attempts to work in the remote areas where the monkeys were seized have been too small. Laboratory studies were stimulated in order to control these introduced virus outbreaks which were realized in 1989 and chimpanzee inbreed in the 1990s in order to improve diagnosis of nonhuman primate infections (Fields, et Al 1996). However, it has not been confirmed since the materials that were necessary to definitively confirm the utility of these techniques for humans were not provided. After Ebola hemorrhagic fever was discovered in Africa between 1976 and 1979, it was not seen again unti l the year 1994. It is believed by scientists that during this time, possibly it was circulating in its natural reservoir. On the other hand, the virus might have been causing sporadic human infections that remained undetected because Ebola patients never contaminated medical facilities to produce the savage nosocomial epidemics that brought Ebola virus to medical attention. Between 1981 and 1985, Ebola  virus surveillance was carried out simultaneously with intensified efforts to contain monkey pox (Vasilyevich IV, et al. 2005). This surveillance may have identified several cases and estimated the prevalence among the population; however, the findings are subject to caveats because of problems with the validity of laboratory tests. Serosurveillance in 1995 also suggested that human infections may have occurred from time to time. It is believed that the Ebola virus may have initially been transmitted to humans from bats (Renaud AA, et al. 199) Bioinformatics researchers all over the world especially those at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, have found that there is a concrete circumstantial case that says infection by bats is likely, but renowned scientists haven’t actually found strong evidence to support this hypothesis. During the period of 1994–1996, almost five independent active sites of Ebola virus transmission were identified: Cà ´te d’Ivoire in 1994 ; Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1995 (Georges, 1997) and Gabon in 1994, 1995, and 1996 . The initially known Zaire subtype of Ebola virus and the newly discovered Cà ´te d’Ivoire subtype were both involved in the report, and as in previous African Ebola virus transmissions, the active sites were within or near tropical forests, for instance along riverine forests. Ebola outbreaks have been reported since its discovery in late 1970s. The first outbreak happened in 1976 in the Republic of Congo. The disease was spread by close personal contact. There were 318 reported cases and 280 of the people died as a result of the virus. Years later in 1995 the Republic of Congo had yet another outbreak. This time 250 of the people infected died. In 2001 in Uganda Ebola appeared out of nowhere. There were 425 reported cases of the virus, 224 of the reported cases ended in death. The biggest outbreak came as of recently, this year. There was a widespread outbreak across West African countries. Over 9,000 reported cases came from this outbreak, 4,800 of the cases resulted in death. There were some people who came in contact with the Ebola virus that were from the United States. The Ebola virus mainly attacks cells of the lymphatic organs, liver, kidney, ovaries, testes, and the cells of the reticuloendothelial system. A trademark of Ebola is liver destruction. The person infected person with the virus loses a big amount of blood. In some of the deadly cases shock and acute respiratory disorder is prevalent. Some of the victims can be delirious from the high fevers. Many people die from  the intractable shock. Research done on infectious Ebola and Marburg viruses are always done in a maximum biological containment setup popularly known as Biosafety Level 4. Biosafety Level 4 laboratories require extremely specialized equipment to prevent the spread of the pathogens that are investigated in them. Ebola is stable and remains infective at room temperature (20 °C), but it is mostly destroyed at 60 °C (Fields, et Al 1996) Its’ infectivity is also terminated by gamma and ultraviolet radiation, lipid solvents, ß-propiolactone, and commercial hypochlorite and phenolic disinfectants. Currently there is no FDA-approved vaccine available for Ebola, it is better for prevalent measures be taken as a way of reducing Ebola infections. There are numerous ways to prevent yourself from Ebola. Practice careful hygiene; hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and clean water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Try as much as you can and avoid contact with blood and body fluids from uncertain people. Avoid handling items that may have come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids, such as clothes, bedding, needles, and medical equipment carelessly. Some bats are believed to be reservoirs of Ebola Virus and therefore avoid contact with such bats and other nonhuman primates or raw meat prepared from these animals. Tourists and travelers should avoid facilities in West Africa where Ebola patients are being treated. Healthcare workers who may be handling people infected with Ebola follow certain steps to ensure that they do not come in contact with the virus. It is recommended for one to wear appropriate personal protective equipment including impermeable gowns, gloves, and masks. Before being allowed to care for infected patients all workers must observe proper infection control and sterilization measures. Patients with Ebola must be isolated from other patients following strict contact and droplet isolation procedures. Members of the heath care team cannot come into contact with blood or body fluids, such as, feces, saliva, urine, vomit, and semen of a person who is infected with Ebola. People who have been infected and survived the Ebola virus can also spread the virus through semen for at least ninety days after being declared virus free. The symptoms Ebola are fever, diarrhea, vomiting, severe headache, weakness, fatigue, muscle pain, abdominal pain, and unexplained bleeding or bruising. These  symptoms are one of the major reasons Ebola is transmitted so easily. These symptoms are often described as â€Å"flu-like† or â€Å"stomach flu† symptoms and are easily overlooked. The Ebola symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to Ebola, but in most reported cases the average is 8 to 10 days. Ebola is only transmitted when infected persons are actively showing symptoms. Currently there are only supportive treatments available to help care for Ebola patients. Patients will be given IV fluids to maintain fluid balance as Ebola is known to produce copious amounts of emesis and stool, medications to help maintain and regulate blood pressure, antipyretics for fevers, ventilation assistance for help with breathing, and dialysis if the patient does into kidney failure. There are experimental drugs that have been used in the treatment of Ebola. Drugs such as Z-Mapp and Brincidofovir have been used in patients to help beat the Ebola virus. While some patients have been successfully treated with these drugs it is also important to remember that these drugs could have many side effects and a testing has not been completed so there are still many questions to the safety and efficiency of their use. Before being approved for use in regular populations these drugs must complete clinical trials and be proven safe and effective. Patients who have survived Ebola have antibodies to the virus for about ten years. During this time they can be a vital source of help for others battling the virus. A donation of life saving plasma from a survivor to an infected person will help the person to begin developing antibodies to begin fighting the virus. To receive plasma the patients must have a matching blood type. Thousands of innocent people have died as the result of the deadly virus. Ebola has been around for over four decades and has really come into the main stream media focus. Ebola has not affected America in the ways that it has ravaged through many of the countries in Africa. To protect our families from this devastating and deadly virus we must practice impeccable hand hygiene and use good sense when travelling especially internationally. Work Cited Akinfeyeva LA, Aksyonova OI, Vasilyevich IV, et al. A case of Ebola hemorrhagic fever. Infektsionnye Bolezni (Moscow). 2005;3(1):85–88 Emond RT, Evans B, Bowen ET, et al. A case of Ebola virus infection. British Medical Journal. 1977;2(6086):541-544. Fields, Bernard, ed. † Filoviridae: Marburg and Ebola Viruses.† Field’s Virology, Third Edition. Lippincott-Raven: New York. 1996. 1161-1176. Georges AJ, Leroy EM, Renaud AA, et al. Ebola hemorrhagic fever outbreaks in Gabon, 1994-1997: epidemiologic and health control issues. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1999;179:S65-75. Khan AS, Tshioko FK, Heymann DL, et al. The Reemergence of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1999;179:S76-S86. Le Guenno, Bernard, P. Formenty, and C. Boesch. â€Å"Ebola Virus Outbreaks in the Ivory Coast and Liberia, 1994-1995.† Ibid. Okware SI, Omaswa FG, Zaramba S, et al. An outbreak of Ebola in Uganda. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2002;7(12):1068-1075.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Crafting the Top-Notch Geography Essay a Guide for Successful Writing and Editing

Crafting the Top-Notch Geography Essay a Guide for Successful Writing and Editing The Key Principles of a Geography Essay The Geography essay is an obligatory assignment for all students who study geography and other related subjects, such as geology and environmental studies. One of the central aims of this type of paper is to check students’ understanding of the presented material. Besides, a professor may assign a Geography essay with the aim of encouraging students to investigate some issues or matters. This type of essay should describe or present a subject which is closely connected to Geography, for example, the factors that induce climate change, the influence of floods on the soils, or the role of the geographical information system. As a result, you should conduct in-depth research in order to receive a high mark. Apart from that, you have to create a good structure and content for your Geography essay. The process of creating the content for the essay is not an easy task because you should present your understanding of the ideas and concepts. You can extend other peoples ideas, but you have to be very careful with it since your paper should be original, unique, and free from plagiarism. What is more, you should organize your ideas in accordance with the particular essay to not confuse the readers. In general, there are plenty of essay types but you have to choose only one and strictly follow its requirements. Consequently, the most popular types of essay are going to be described to help you to select the best one which will assist you in presenting the chosen topic. Types of Essays Used in Academic Writing Generally, there are many types of essay that can be applied during the process of writing. In spite of the significant number of essay types, not all of them are appropriate for a Geography essay. For example, a narrative essay is not suitable for describing or explaining some geographic phenomenon as its central point is to tell a story. In addition, there is a great need to mention that different essay types require a specific topic to be explored due to its structure requirements. Hence, you should consider the most popular essay types to choose the most appropriate one. Descriptive Essay The primary aim of this essay type is to describe the issue or phenomenon in detail, and therefore, you should investigate the topic thoroughly. The descriptive Geographic essay requires you to present the topic of your essay from various perspectives. You have to be very careful with this essay type since you should properly cite the ideas of other people in order not to be suspected of plagiarism. Therefore, one can claim that this type of essay perfectly suits when you desire to describe or explain a particular geographic matter. Comparison and/or Contrast Essay This essay type requires you to analyze two or more subjects and present their similarities and/or differences point by point. Therefore, you have to select these subjects and compare and/or contrast them according to a few particular points. For example, you can compare and/or contrast the ways how different countries cope with the consequences of floods. Thus, you should investigate the effects of floods in each country and what measures those countries have taken. As a result, one should state that this essay type requires in-depth research and profound knowledge of the matter. Cause and Effect Essay The cause and effect essay is one of the most popular types for writing a Geography essay due to the fact that it allows you to describe one of the geographic phenomena and present its influence on the Earth. This essay type asks you to analyze the causes of a certain phenomenon or explore the results of particular events. For example, you may choose any natural calamity and demonstrate its possible effect on a specific region in the future, or you may present the real consequences of the selected geographic issue from the past. Argumentative Essay The argumentative geographic essay is supposed to make a claim that will be supported by various examples and evidence. The evidence and examples mentioned earlier should be retrieved from the reliable sources. You may begin writing your argumentative geographic essay by deciding on a particular matter, such as a controversial issue. Then, you have to conduct research to obtain as much information as possible. You should apply different kinds of information, such as observances, interviews, statistics, reports, and studies, throughout the essay to support your arguments and convince the reader. As a consequence, one may claim that this type of essay is quite complicated because you should support every single claim you make. Choose a Topic You Dont Mind Debating Usually, the professor provides you with the list of appropriate topics for your Geography essay. However, you may have to select the topic for your paper on your own. Therefore, you will be able to choose a topic of your interest and the process of writing will bring you a lot of pleasure. Therefore, the field of Geography covers plenty of contemporary issues and matters. Consequently, the spectrum of topics is broad enough, and you will not face any problems while choosing the topic for your essay. To select an appropriate topic, you should investigate the recent events and choose the most debated and discussed issue in the community. Thus, you will be able to find a significant number of reliable sources for your Geography essay. The following topics are considered to be appropriate for your paper: The Factors that Cause Earthquakes in South America The Influence of Global Warming on the North Pole How Floods Affect the United States’ Economy? The Effects of Toxic Dumping in Oceans The Role of Resource Conservation How to Select Appropriate Sources To start writing your Geography essay, you should search for some reliable sources. With the help of these sources, you will be able to find some interesting ideas and thoughts which you can develop in your paper. In general, the professor may ask you to go to the library to find appropriate sources for investigation. However, if you do not have enough time and ability to attend the library, you can use the Internet. In this case, you should ask the professor to provide you with the particular websites to avoid misunderstandings. In general, the particular websites, such as those which end in .edu and .gov, are considered to be reliable. Besides, you may find various geographic databases, online journals, and books which will help you to explore the selected topic. The list of reliable sources provided below is supposed to be appropriate for your Geography essay: GEOBASE (is a website which identifies the journal literature in various fields, such as ecology, oceanography, geomechanics, geosciences, and Earth sciences). The Geographical Review (is a website which identifies different books, articles, and publications on earth sciences and geology). GeoRef (is a scholarly journal which contains diverse essays about new fields of study in geography, and therefore, it includes various reviews of books, atlases, and monographs). Writing the Geography Essay: How to Start Moving from the Dead Point In general, there are four steps one should take to start writing the Geography essay. First of all, you have to understand the central points of the essay topic. Then, you should choose particular objects to be discussed. This step requires you to generate ideas and gather all necessary materials with the help of various credible sources mentioned in the previous paragraph. Second of all, you should create the detailed work outline. This will help you to organize and write your paper easier and quicker since you will know what exactly you should write in particular paragraph. Third of all, you should divide your writing process into fragments since you should not write the entire essay at one time. In addition to the first step, you may consider the following pre-writing strategies. The strategy which is called Brainstorming or Listing requires you to generate a lot of information within a short period of time and write it in the form of a list. With the help of this pre-writing strategy, you may create a topic sentence for each paragraph or even a thesis statement for the entire essay. To start, you have to recollect or search for some terms that are suitable for your topic. Then, you should develop those terms into ideas, and as a consequence, to explain or describe those ideas to receive a complete sentence. This type of pre-writing activity works especially well if you work in a team as some people will generate ideas while only one will write them. The next prewriting strategy is called Clustering or Mind Mapping. It allows you to expand your ideas further and explore the relationship between them. For this strategy, you have to put your central ideas in circles and draw some lines which will symbolize the arguments or supportive ideas. Besides, you should link the new ideas to the central ones with lines. Therefore, when you finish completing this pre-writing strategy, you will receive a web of ideas. Furthermore, you can apply the following pre-writing strategy which is called Freewriting. This technique is similar to Brainstorming, but here you should generate a lot of information by writing non-stop. You do not need to edit your sentences since you should focus on the ideas, but not grammar or spelling. The last pre-writing activity is called The Journalists’ Questions. The core idea of it is to ask six particular questions to yourself. Those questions include â€Å"Who?†, â€Å"What?†, â€Å"Where?†, â€Å"When?†, â€Å"Why?†, and â€Å"How?†. This kind of pre-writing activity perfectly fits the descriptive essay type since it helps you to describe the selected subject in detail. As a result, if you complete all of the techniques mentioned before, the further writing process will be much easier because you will have the accurate outline of your paper. Structure Your Geography Essay Properly This part of the writing process requires you to organize the ideas gathered during the prewriting activity. Therefore, the outline prepared beforehand can help you to write the entire essay. The structure of the Geography essay may depend on the selected essay type. Hence, if you have chosen an argumentative essay type, you have to create a paragraph for each argument. However, in general, each essay type contains Introduction, at least two Main Body paragraphs, and Conclusion. If you structure your paper correctly, the reader will perceive your ideas properly. As a consequence, the effects of toxic dumping in oceans has been taken as an example to present the approximate structure of the Geography essay. Introduction This part of the essay always contains only one paragraph. The introductory part has a peculiar structure. It begins with background information, then continues with some arguments, and ends with a thesis statement. One should mention that the thesis statement should represent the claim that will be described and supported during the entire essay. Therefore, the thesis statement like â€Å"The toxic dumping in oceans have a dramatic effect on both human beings, flora, and fauna† can be quite suitable for the chosen topic, namely the effects of toxic dumping in oceans. Apart from that, this part of the essay should not contain any direct quotations and in-text citations. As a result, it can be stated that the introduction has to be well organized to attract readers but not confuse them. Main Body The main body paragraphs should contain two and more paragraphs to support the thesis statement properly. Unlike the introductory paragraph, you are allowed to apply various quotations and in-text citations to support your claims. If you desire to insert a direct quote or in-text citation, you should strictly follow the selected referencing style. Usually, students are asked to utilize either MLA or APA referencing style in their papers. For MLA referencing style, you have to put the selected text into inverted commas, and then, you should mention the last name of the author/authors and the number of the page where you have found the inserted text. Therefore, your in-text citation should look like the following sentence â€Å"The human beings have already removed almost two-thirds of the large ocean fish. One in three fish populations has collapsed since 1950† (Author’s/authors’ last name page number).† The same sentence in APA referencing style will look l ike the following sentence â€Å"The human beings have already removed almost two-thirds of the large ocean fish, and one in three fish populations have collapsed since 1950† (Author’s/authors’ last name, year of publication).† If you desire to know more about referencing styles, you may visit the website which is called â€Å"Purdue OWL.† Conclusion The concluding part of the essay is similar to the introductory paragraph since it should be one paragraph long and should not contain any quotations and in-text citations. Furthermore, you should restate the thesis statement and support it with the help of the arguments mentioned in the main body paragraphs. You must remember that any new information should not be applied in this paragraph. In general, this part of the essay has to resemble the short version of the entire paper. Polishing Your Geography Essay to Make it Shine This part of the writing process is as important as the other ones since you can eliminate plenty of mistakes that were made during the previous steps of the writing process. To know how to polish your essay, ensure to read it again, but not immediately after having written the essay. You should put aside the text and get distracted. Therefore, when you return to your paper, you will be able to look at it from a new perspective. You should pay special attention to the particular details, such as the use of the personal pronoun â€Å"I,† contractions, and vague language. Hence, if you used the personal pronoun â€Å"I,† you should substitute it with the indefinite pronoun â€Å"one.† The contracted forms of auxiliary verbs should be replaced by full forms. The vague language has to be eliminated or substituted with suitable academic phrases. What is more, you should check not only grammar but punctuation as well since many students forget to put a comma before â€Å"and† while enumerating points and after linking words. Furthermore, you can ask your friend to check your essay for mistakes. You should remember that the selected person should have strong writing skills in order to be able to spot and explain your mistakes. Besides, you may ask the person to tell you what can be changed or added to make the paper better. As a result, if you complete most of the advice mentioned before, your Geographic essay will receive a high mark. References â€Å"Prewriting Strategies.† KU Writing Center, 25 July 2017, â€Å"Steps of a Basic Essay.† Nova Southeastern University, McWhorter, Kathleen T. â€Å"The College Students Guide to Writing Five Types of Essays.† Center for Academic Support, Australian Geography Teachers Association. â€Å"Contemporary Geographical Issues.† GeogSpace, Education Services Australia Ltd., 2013, â€Å"Department of Geography, Environment Society Writing and Research Guide.† University of Minnesota, 2018.